The Official Furry Organization at UMD

And the Largest Collegiate Furry Organization on the East Coast

Unifursity FurBowl: RSVP Now!

Unifursity Furries on Campus

As Seen on Barstool
As Seen on the Diamondback
We’re on Reddit too
As heard on WMUC Radio

Our Mission

Who are we?

Unifursity Furries is an organization dedicated to uniting Furries of all types at the University of Maryland. Being that the furry community is mostly online, our goal of this club is to breach the physical barrier and help other furries foster a community that can teach each other skills that would be useful in the fandom such as art, fursuiting, and how to go to conventions. Anyone interested is welcome to join in on the fun!

What’s Our Purpose?

The mission of Unifursity Furries is to breach that physical barrier of our heavily online based community, and help other furries foster a community that can teach each other skills that would be useful in the fandom such as art, fursuiting, and how to go to conventions.

Can I Get Involved?

Absolutely! Our organization is welcome to any and all furries and those interested in learning more about furries. Come hang out with us!

Just be registered on TerpLink and join our Telegram chatroom. Be sure to email us at to get an invite link to the chatroom